Touken Ranbu Hanamaru Anime
Soon reuniting with his old friend kashuu kiyomitsu the two are caught up in the daily antics of their fellow sword warriors.
Touken ranbu hanamaru anime. Los saniwa quienes estan al cargo de proteger la historia pueden imbuir vida a los objetos. No synopsis information has been added to this title. Plot summary edit yamatonokami yasusada the former sword of okita souji adjusts to his new life as an anthromoporphic touken danshi sword man and member of a group dedicated to stopping the history retrograde army which seeks to alter time. It is based on the video game touken ranbu.
Oct 03 2016 to dec 19 2016 season. Touken ranbu hanamaru type. Beyond their battles these legendary swords from different eras lead charming daily lives. 24 minutes external links.
Protecting history becomes the task of a boisterous band of swords that are brought to life including the glamorous kashu kiyomitsu and the kindly yamatonokami yasusada. Is an anime television series produced by doga kobo directed by takashi naoya and written by pierre sugiura with character designs by junichiro taniguchi and music composed by kenji kawai. Soon reuniting with his old friend kashuu kiyomitsu the two are caught up in the daily antics of their fellow sword warriors. For season 2 info see zoku touken ranbu hanamaru.
Second season of hanamaru delivers probably everything you could expect from a sequel to the first season. Hanamaru opens on the life of yamatonokami yasusada souji okitas beloved uchigatana as he begins his first day at the saniwas citadel. Anilist kitsu anidb animenewsnetwork myanimelist. Alongside him is kashuu kiyomitsu a witty fellow touken danshi who also belonged to okita.
Getting to the point if youre a fan of either touken ranbu or just the tr anime its a must watch. Add photo 1 sypnosis 2 teasers and pvs 3 staff 4 schedule 5 cast episode list 6 external links 2205. Los revisionistas historicos han comenzado a lanzar ataques al pasado como parte de su plan de cambiar la historia.
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